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Hainan to develop ocean travel

发布时间:2012/7/16 10:44:10    文章来源:本站   点击数:1004

Hainan to develop ocean travel

Hainan Province is taking the next step to develop, by turning attention from land to the sea.

Hainan is surrounded by 2-thousand square kilometers of water. And a new plan outlines ways to capitalize on that. It suggests that ocean parks be developed so tourists can see the local underwater wildlife.

Hainan also plans to offer water activities like diving, fishing, and snorkeling. In doing so, Hainan hopes to become a top international tourist destination. The plan also recommends all development be environmentally friendly.

Deng Xiaogang, Vice Director of Hainan Provincial Tourist Dev't Comm. said "From now on, the main focus of our plan is to develop ocean travel, especially long-distance ocean travel. Tours will include exploring the ocean and island, and tours on the barges. We are carrying out the plan right now."

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